1. What are your academic achievements?
My academic achievements are I graduated number 5 in my high school. My GPA was 3.89.
2. How have you overcome challenges?
I overcome my challenges by prayer and putting it in God’s hands. I know he will never leave nor forsaken me.
3. Why did you apply for this scholarship?
I applied for this scholarship, because I want better in my life. I have three girls that I have to make proud, let alone myself. I’ll be the first of my mother’s children to graduate college.
4. What makes you stand out from other candidates?
I stand out from other candidates, because of my confidence. I spoke life into myself and claimed this scholarship before I even received it. I’m caring, reliable, and eager to learn.
5. How will you contribute to your community?
I will put my heart into my community. I’m willing to give back in any way I can such as volunteering.
6. Tell us about one event or person in your life that shaped you?
The person in my life that shaped me and molded me into the person I am is my mother. She is very strict on me because she knows my potential. She knows that my knowledge and learning skills will take me far into the medical field. She’s very motivational and empowering to me and I love her for that.


1. What are your academic achievements?
My academic achievements are, I am a Certified nursing Assistant, I have studied Medication Technology, BLS , Dementia Training!
2. How have you overcome challenges?
I have overcame so many obstacles in my life, I have learn to stop think about my actions and reevaluate the circumstances and consequences of my actions! I have learn patience and how to listen to others with out overreacting. You can match others energy so you have to learn to pay attention someone may have a bubble over there head with so many problems and a simple Your ok? Goes a long way!
3. Why did you apply for this scholarship?
I applied for this because it’s time for change, I want to learn so much to help other accordingly! I been wanting to go back to school but so many obstacles stood in my way financially! I made a promise when my girls got older I would go back!
4. What makes you stand out from other candidates? My willing to learn is what makes me stand out! My outgoing ways and ability to communicate with others that has different backgrounds.
5. How will you contribute to your community?
I want to open up a transportation for the elderly, a group home for teens also for the elderly! I have been wanting to help the community it’s a lot of elderly say they have no ride to the Dr. or need medication! I want to help them run errands or something so simply and a conversation with a meal!
6. Tell us about one event or person in your life that shaped you?
When I was 17 I had a friend at school his sister was disable, I would go to the home and she would talk to me, I would take special time to understand her, her mom saw that and ask me can I start keeping her! I was scared because I had never did that before, but she was so sweet and as I took care of her, I realized how much I loved it and I had a heart for taking care of others! Until today her and I are the best of friends.


1. What are your academic achievements?
My academic achievements are to get my medical assistant certification continue my education and strive for a better job/ career because I know it's better out there.
2. How have you overcome challenges?
I overcome my challenges by prayer and putting it in God’s hands. I know he will never leave nor forsaken me.
3. Why did you apply for this scholarship?
I applied for this scholarship, because I want better in my life. I have three girls that I have to make proud, let alone myself. I’ll be the first of my mother’s children to graduate college.
4. What makes you stand out from other candidates?
Nothing makes me better than any of the other candidates but wanting this certification more than anything will make me work 10x harder for this achievement.
5. How will you contribute to your community?
Iwil contribute to my community by letting others know there is hope in the future after every storm. Iwill be a voice for the voiceless and hope for the hopeless. I am a living example that anything is possible with faith.
6. Tell us about one event or person in your life that shaped you?
My mom who has passed away after seeing her never give up after everything she was faced with in life motivated me to keep pressing forward. Pushing myself harder for a better future for my children and me.


1. What are your academic achievements?
To be a pediatric nurse.
2. How have you overcome challenges?
I overcome my challenges by remaining humble and praying through each challenge. I also talk to my father to out way my options.
3. Why did you apply for this scholarship?
I applied for this scholarship to further my education, so that I can give my children a better life.
4. What makes you stand out from other candidates?
Because I am determined, compassionate and hard working.
5. How will you contribute to your community?
I will contribute to my community by volunteering time with different functions and helping out where I can.
6. Tell us about one event or person in your life that shaped you?
My father is my biggest role mode. At 6 years old my mother passed away leaving my father the role of caring for me and my siblings alone. My father who was in the military of 23 years, then retired honorary due to his illness. My father never gave u ,he gave my siblings and I the best life anyone could ask for. So that alone showed me that no matter what life throws at me that I can still be a great and valuable person of the community. ONLY I CAN CHOOSE MY DESTINATION< I JUST GOT TO BE DETERMINED TO REACH MY DESTINY!


1. What are your academic achievements?
I am a CNA and have been now for the last 15 years.
2. How have you overcome challenges?
IMy go to for overcoming anything is prayer. I pray then move on because my faith in god will get me through anything that comes my way.
3. Why did you apply for this scholarship?
I actually called up to see if there was a payment plan or some way I could slowly pay back just to get into the program and was told about the scholarship but I applied to further my career and education.
4. What makes you stand out from other candidates?
I think my personality is what makes me stand out, from everyone else. I’m a people’s person so I’m comfortable around anyone. Even when I’m nervous my personality shines through. I’m going to say or do something that will make you remember me.
5. How will you contribute to your community?
My contribution is my career. There’s so many that I’ve cared for who had nothing or no one but throughout their lives they had me even in there last hours when family or friends didn’t show up I held their hands til they made it to the afterlife.
6. Tell us about one event or person in your life that shaped you?
When I was 20 I had a very bad car accident that left me crushed from the waist down. I had to have both knees replaced, both fema bones replaced with steel rods, my back was broken in 4 places, and also a broken pelvic bone. I was only 20 just starting to try to figure out what I wanted to be which was a nurse. I truly just wanted to help people, but now I’m at a point where I need someone to help me. I needed help showering/bathing, preparing my food, shopping, getting dressed, and did I mention I had just gotten married lord I felt like a failure. I felt like such a burden on my husband and family so it caused chaos in my marriage because I didn’t want to be the person who needed help how can this be when I’m the helper. I began to pray day and night for god to help me walk again and I promised god that if I ever got the chance to walk again I’d help as many as I could especially those who had no one or felt they didn’t. It took me 2 1/2 years but my faith in god kept me. I turned 21 in a wheelchair that was so hard for me but god something in me said don’t give up keep fighting. I had no no physical therapy so I had to actually learn exercises from a family member who was in college for just that lord it’s so crazy how god works he puts everything together to just fall in place. She could only help me a few times a week so she taught my ex husband as much as what she knew and he worked with me 3 times a day for about 2 years and my doctor couldn’t believe it. He told his coworkers that I was a miracle and that I was the true definition of hard work and determination. I became a cna shortly after August 8,2009 a day I’ll never forget. It’s now 15 years later and I’ve worked in hospitals, psych homes, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, and private sitting. If a Cna can do it I’ve done it but now it’s time to go a little further so I can help a lot more.


1. What are your academic achievements?
My academic achievements are to finish my Medical assistant course “.
2. How have you overcome challenges?
I've overcame challenges by having faith and kept pushing.
3. Why did you apply for this scholarship?
I applied for this scholarship because it helps me with paying for school by me being a single mom i dont have extra money and its a big help for me.
4. What makes you stand out from other candidates?
Thats a great question, sometimes i wonder myself. Being that i am just as hardworking as others, i think i stand out in the Caring department whereas, i do care if we all succeed in this class. But, one thing i feel stands out about me is my studying skills and dedication.
5. How will you contribute to your community?
I will contribute to my community by giving as much of my time as possible being there yo help when I can.
6. Tell us about one event or person in your life that shaped you?
My kids are the ones who motivate me and push forward i want my kids tp understand that mommy can go further with her education.


1. What are your academic achievements?
Awarded as team Leader position at my job.
2. How have you overcome challenges?
Didn’t Give Up
3. Why did you apply for this scholarship?
I’m a hard worker. I love helping others and this scholarship will help me with my dream.
4. What makes you stand out from other candidates?
I’m passionate about what I do, and I bring this energy to all my task.
5. How will you contribute to your community?
I will contribute through my local church.
6. Tell us about one event or person in your life that shaped you?
My Mother. She is a child of God. She was a very motivated worker, never missing a day of work, not even on her ill days. She worked two jobs raising two kids all on her own. My mother is now retired at a young age.


1. What are your academic achievements?
The only academic achievement I have thus for is receiving my high school diploma.
2. How have you overcome challenges?
I have overcome challenges by praying to God and putting much effort in what i am trying to achieve.
3. Why did you apply for this scholarship?
I applied for this scholarship because I love helping people and I always wanted to be a МА.
4. What makes you stand out from other candidates?
I believe I stands out from the other candidates because im younger but i have a love for people and i also love helping others.
5. How will you contribute to your community?
I will contribute to my community by visiting and helping the elderly.
6. Tell us about one event or person in your life that shaped you?
The person in my life that's shaped me is


1. What are your academic achievements?
My academic achievements are going to school to get my high school Diploma I also took a class and received my business administration diploma.
2. How have you overcome challenges?
I overcome challenges by making plans because you don't know what will happen in the future, so I always plan ahead.
3. Why did you apply for this scholarship?
I applied for this scholarship because it's the first step to prepare me to become a R.N.
4. What makes you stand out from other candidates? What makes me stand out from other candidates is my drive in my motivation.
5. How will you contribute to your community?
I would volunteer because participating in volunteering activities is one of the most fulfilling ways to help the community.
6. Tell us about one event or person in your life that shaped you?
One event in my life that shaped me was starting my life over and to not let nothing stop me from going after my dreams to make a better life for my kids. A person who shaped me with motivation was a boss I was working for she made me believe in myself and she created a drive in me with her motivational words.


1. What are your academic achievements?
My academic achievement is that I have received my high school diploma.
2. How have you overcome challenges?
I look at challenges in my life that I've struggled with and assess the optimal outcomes and make a plan for how I can achieve them.
3. Why did you apply for this scholarship?
I applied for this scholarship because without it i wouldn't be able to afford to go to college it took the worries and stress about how I was going to pay for school away.
4. What makes you stand out from other candidates?
What makes me stand out from other candidates is I give 110% everytime and I take the good with the bad. I work hard. I look at things from different points of views and I think outside the box.
5. How will you contribute to your community?
I will contribute to my community by joining the medical field and I help better the word one patient at a time.
6. Tell us about one event or person in your life that shaped you?
One event that has shaped me was my highschool graduation. It made me look at life from a whole other point of view. It showed me that I can't control or worry too much about the future. I have to focus on the present and take it day by day.